Reuben Rose-Redwood

Reuben Rose-Redwood - Collaboratory Director


I joined the faculty at the University of Victoria in 2009, and I am currently a Professor of Geography and Director of the Critical Geographies Research Collaboratory at UVic. I co-founded and serve as the current Chair of the UVic Committee for Urban Studies, and I am also a member of the Cultural, Social, and Political Thought Program. From 2021-2026, I am serving as Associate Dean Academic in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Additionally, I am the Managing Editor of Dialogues in Human Geography as well as an editorial board member for the Journal of Geography in Higher Education and Cartographica, among other journals.

My research contributes to the field of critical human geography, focusing particularly on the politics of place naming, monumentality, and memoryscapes. I am currently leading a research project examining the commemorative politics of place renaming and statue removal on university campuses in Canada and the United States.

I also have a longstanding interest in the history of urban planning, including the historical geography of grid-plan cities and the political genealogies of the modern street address. In particular, I have written extensively on the history of New York’s grid plan of 1811 and the role that street and house numbering have played as political technologies of modern urbanism.

Additionally, my work explores the intersections of geographical thought and philosophy by critically examining the philosophical assumptions that underpin our geographical imaginations and world-making practices.

I have also made a number of contributions to scholarship on the geographies of higher education, especially with respect to understanding the international student experience and political activism.

Research Interests

My research interests span across the field of critical human geography with a specific focus on the following key areas:

  • Cultural landscape studies
  • geographies of memory, power, and place
  • Urban historical geography
  • Governmentality, the grid, and the spatial politics of calculation
  • Historical cartography and the politics of mapping
  • Theories of performativity and performance
  • Histories and futures of geographical thought
  • Geographies of higher education and the international student experience



  • GEOG 500A - Foundations in Geography



Edited Books and Special Issues

Rose-Redwood, R., Rose-Redwood, C., Apostolopoulou, E., Blackman, T., Cheng, H., Datta, A., Dias, S., Ferretti, F., Patrick, W., Riding, J., Rose, M., and Sabhlok, A. (2024). Special Issue on "Re-imagining the Futures of Geographical Thought and Praxis." Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2): 177-380. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R., eds. (2024). International Student Activism and the Politics of Higher Education. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Baird, I., Palonen, E., and Rose-Redwood, C., eds. (2022). Special Issue on “Monumentality, Memoryscapes, and the Politics of Place.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21(5): 448-622. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Vuolteenaho, J., Young, C., and Light, D., eds. (2022). Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism. New York: Routledge. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Barnd, N.B., Lucchesi, A.H., Dias, S., and Patrick, W., eds. (2020). Special Issue on “Decolonizing the Map.” Cartographica 55(3): 151-216. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Apostolopoulou, E., Rickards, L., Blackman, T., Crampton, J., Rossi, U., and Buckley, M., eds. (2020). Special Issue on “Geographies of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Dialogues in Human Geography 10(2): 97-295. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Vuolteenaho, J., Young, C., and Light, D., eds. (2019). Special Issue on “Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism.” Urban Geography 40(6): 747-892. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R., eds. (2019). International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. [abstract]

Stanger-Ross, J. and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective, eds. (2018). Special Issue on “Landscapes of Injustice: Unearthing the Dispossession of Japanese Canadians, 1940s.” Journal of American Ethnic History 37(4): 5-89. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R., eds. (2018). Special Issue on “Fostering Successful Integration and Engagement Between Domestic and International Students on College and University Campuses.” Journal of International Students 8(3): 1267-1485. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Bigon, L., eds. (2018). Gridded Worlds: An Urban Anthology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M., eds. (2018). The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place. New York: Routledge. [preview]

Rose-Redwood, R., ed. (2015). Special Issue on “Deconstructing the Map: 25 Years On.” Cartographica 50(1): 1-57. [abstract]

Glass, M. and Rose-Redwood, R., eds. (2014). Performativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space. New York: Routledge. [preview]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Tantner, A., eds. (2012). Special Section on “Governmentality, House Numbering, and the Spatial History of the Modern City.” Urban History 39(4): 607-679. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Alderman, D., eds. (2011). Special Issue on “New Directions in Political Toponymy.” ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 10(1): 1-41. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., ed. (2010). Special Issue on “Encountering Mannahatta: A Critical Review Forum.” Cartographica 45(4): 241-272. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M., eds. (2008). Special Issue on “Collective Memory and the Politics of Urban Space.” GeoJournal 73(3): 160-253. [abstract]

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Rose-Redwood, R., Rose-Redwood, C., Apostolopoulou, E., Blackman, T., Cheng, H., Datta, A., Dias, S., Ferretti, F., Patrick, W., Riding, J., Rose, M., and Sabhlok, A. (2024). "Re-imagining the Futures of Geographical Thought and Praxis." Dialogues in Human Geography 14(2): 177-191. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Rose-Redwood, C., Alderman, D., and Hackett, K. (2024). “The Making of the Campus Namescape: A Comparison of University Naming Policies in Canada and the United States.” The Professional Geographer 76(3): 277-288. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2023). “Containing the Multitudes: Critical Reflections on the Concept of the 'International Student' Through a Pluriversal Lens.” Journal of International Students 13(4): 107-114. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Baird, I., Palonen, E., and Rose-Redwood, C. (2022). “Monumentality, Memoryscapes, and the Politics of Place.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 21(5): 448-467. [full text]

Tung, A., Rose-Redwood, R., and Cloutier, D. (2022). “Breadlines, Victory Gardens, or Human Rights? Examining Food Insecurity Discourses in Canada.” Canadian Food Studies 9(2): 249-275. [full text]

Tung, A., Cloutier, D., and Rose-Redwood, R. (2021). “Serving Us Rights: Securing the Right to Food in Canada.” Canadian Review of Social Policy 81: 1-30. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2021). “The Social and Political Life of Names and Naming.” Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics 1(1): 157-165. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Barnd, N.B., Lucchesi, A.H., Dias, S., and Patrick, W. (2020). “Decolonizing the Map: Recentering Indigenous Mappings.” Cartographica 55(3): 151-162. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Apostolopoulou, E., Rickards, L., Blackman, T., Crampton, J., Rossi, U., and Buckley, M. (2020). “Geographies of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Dialogues in Human Geography 10(2): 97-106. [full text]

Alderman, D. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2020). “The Classroom as ‘Toponymic Workspace’: Towards a Critical Pedagogy of Campus Place Renaming.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44(1): 124-141. [abstract]

Sotoudehnia, M. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2019). “‘I am Burj Khalifa’: Entrepreneurial Urbanism, Toponymic Commodification, and the Worlding of Dubai.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 43(6): 1014-1027. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Vuolteenaho, J., Young, C., and Light, D. (2019). “Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Tumultuous Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism.” Urban Geography 40(6): 747-761. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Sotoudehnia, M., and Tretter, E. (2019). “‘Turn Your Brand into a Destination’: Toponymic Commodification and the Branding of Place in Dubai and Winnipeg.” Urban Geography 40(6): 846-869. [abstract]

Bigon, L. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2019). “Critical Perspectives on the Urban Grid.” Planning (Tichnun) 16(1): 307-309.

Okawa, E. and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2018). “Japaneseness in Racist Canada: Immigrant Imaginaries during the First Half of the Twentieth Century.” Journal of American Ethnic History 37(4): 10-39. [abstract]

Stanger-Ross, J., Archibald, W., and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2018). “The Unfaithful Custodian: Glenn McPherson and the Dispossession of Japanese Canadians in the 1940s.” Journal of American Ethnic History 37(4): 40-72. [abstract]

Kobayashi, A., Rose-Redwood, R., Aagesen, S., and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2018). “Exile: Mapping the Migration Patterns of Japanese Canadians Exiled to Japan in 1946.” Journal of American Ethnic History 37(4): 73-89.

James, M., Stanger-Ross, J., and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2018). “Impermanent Apologies: On the Dynamics of Timing and Public Knowledge in Political Apology.” Human Rights Review 19(3): 289-311.  [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Rickards, L., Rossi, U., Datta, A., and Crampton, J. (2018). “The Possibilities and Limits to Dialogue.” Dialogues in Human Geography 8(2): 109-123. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Rickards, L., Rossi, U., Datta, A., and Crampton, J. (2018). “The Uneven Terrain of Dialogical Encounters and the Spatial Politics of Listening.” Dialogues in Human Geography 8(2): 160-167. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2018). “Building Bridges Across the International Divide: Fostering Meaningful Cross-Cultural Interactions Between Domestic and International Students.” Journal of International Students 8(3): 1331-1340. [full text]

The ACME Resistance (2018). “Geographers Against Trump: Reflections on the First Annual ACME Protest.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 17(1): 1-16. [full text]

Stanger-Ross, J., Blomley, N., and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2017). “'My Land is Worth a Million Dollars': How Japanese Canadians Contested Their Dispossession in the 1940s.” Law and History Review 35(3): 711-751. [full text]

Adams, E., Stanger-Ross, J., and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2017). "Promises of Law: The Unlawful Dispossession of Japanese Canadians." Osgoode Hall Law Journal 54(3): 687-739. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2017). “‘It Definitely Felt Very White’: Race, Gender, and the Performative Politics of Assembly at the Women's March in Victoria, BC.” Gender, Place and Culture 24(5): 645-654. [abstract]

Stanger-Ross, J. and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2016). “Suspect Properties: The Vancouver Origins of the Forced Sale of Japanese-Canadian-owned Properties, WWII.” Journal of Planning History 15(4): 271-289. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. vs. Smith, J. (2016). “Strange Encounters: A Dialogue on Cultural Geography Across the Political Divide.” Journal of Cultural Geography 33(3): 365-378. [abstract]

Thatcher, J., Bergmann, L., Ricker, B., Rose-Redwood, R. (Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective), O'Sullivan, D., Barnes, T., Barnesmoore, L., Imaoke, L., Burns, R., Cinnamon, J., Dalton, C., Davis, S., Harvey, F., Jung, J., Kersten, E., Knigge, L., Lally, N., Lin, W., Mahmoudi, D., Martin, M. Payne, W., Sheikh, A., Shelton, T., Sheppard, E., Strother, C., Tarr, A., Wilson, M., and Young, J. (2016). “Revisiting Critical GIS.” Environment & Planning A 48(5): 815-824. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2016). “‘Reclaim, Rename, Reoccupy’: Decolonizing Place and the Reclaiming of PKOLS.” ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 15(1): 187-206. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Kadonaga, L. (2016). “‘The Corner of Avenue A and Twenty-Third Street’: Geographies of Street Numbering in the United States.” The Professional Geographer 68(1): 39-52. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2015). “The Limits to Deconstructing the Map.” Cartographica 50(1): 1-8. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2015). “Looking ‘Beyond’ Power? J.B. Harley's Legacy and the Powers of Cartographic World-Making.” Cartographica 50(1): 54-57. [abstract]

Tucker, B. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2015). “Decolonizing the Map? Toponymic Politics and the Rescaling of the Salish Sea.” The Canadian Geographer 59(2): 194-206. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2013). “Self-Segregation or Global Mixing? Social Interactions and the International Student Experience.” Journal of College Student Development 54(4): 413-429. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Tantner, A. (2012). “Introduction: Governmentality, House Numbering, and the Spatial History of the Modern City.” Urban History 39(4): 607-613. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2012). “‘A Regular State of Beautiful Confusion’: Governing by Numbers and the Contradictions of Calculable Space in New York City.” Urban History 39(4): 624-638. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2012). “With Numbers in Place: Security, Territory, and the Production of Calculable Space.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(2): 295-319. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011). “Mythologies of the Grid in the Empire City, 1811-2011.” Geographical Review 101(3): 396-413. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Alderman, D. (2011). “Critical Interventions in Political Toponymy,” ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 10(1): 1-6. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Rethinking the Agenda of the 'New’ Political Toponymy.” ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 10(1): 34-41. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., and Li, L. (2011). “From Island of Hills to Cartesian Flatland? Using GIS to Assess Topographical Change in New York City, 1819-1999.” The Professional Geographer 63(3): 392-405. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2010). “Visions of Mannahatta: Historical Memory and the Cartographic Mythologies of the 'Natural Landscape’ as Ecological Baseline,” Cartographica 45(4): 242-247. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M. (2010), “Geographies of Toponymic Inscription: New Directions in Critical Place-Name Studies.” Progress in Human Geography 34(4): 453-470. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2008). “‘Sixth Avenue is Now a Memory’: Regimes of Spatial Inscription and the Performative Limits of the Official City-Text.” Political Geography 27(8): 875-894. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M. (2008). “Collective Memory and the Politics of Urban Space: An Introduction.” GeoJournal 73(3): 160-163. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2008). “From Number to Name: Symbolic Capital, Places of Memory, and the Politics of Street Renaming in New York City.” Social & Cultural Geography 9(4): 432-452. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2008). “Indexing the Great Ledger of the Community: Urban House Numbering, City Directories, and the Production of Spatial Legibility.” Journal of Historical Geography 34(2): 286-310. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2008). “Genealogies of the Grid: Revisiting Stanislawski’s Search for the Origin of the Grid-Pattern Town.” Geographical Review 98(1): 42-58. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2006). “Governmentality, Geography, and the Geo-coded World.” Progress in Human Geography 30(4): 469-486. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2004). “The Surveyor’s Model of the World: The Uses and Abuses of History in Introductory Surveying Textbooks.” Cartographica 39(4): 45-54. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2003). “Re-creating the Historical Topography of Manhattan Island.” Geographical Review 93(1): 124-132. [abstract]

Book Chapters

Patrick, Wil Sahar, Rose-Redwood, R., and Rose-Redwood, C. (2023). “Dis-Placing White Supremacy: Intersections of Black and Indigenous Struggles in the Removal of the Roosevelt Statue at the American Museum of Natural History,” in B. Carlson and T. Farrelly (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook on Rethinking Colonial Commemorations (pp. 437-459). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rose-Redwood, R., Tantner, A., and Kim, S-B. (2022). “‘Addressing the World’: A Political Genealogy of the Street Address,” in F. Giraut and M. Houssay-Holzschuch (eds.), The Politics of Place Naming: Naming the World (pp. 93-107). London: ISTE.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2022). “The Grid Enframed: Mapping the Enframings of the American Grid,” in A. Wallace-Hadrill (ed.), Rome and the Colonial City (pp. 151-164). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rose-Redwood, R., Vuolteenaho, J., Young, C., and Light, D. (2021). “Preface,” in R. Rose-Redwood, J. Vuolteenaho, C. Young, and D. Light (eds.), Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism (pp. x-xii). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R., Vuolteenaho, J., Young, C., and Light, D. (2021). “Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Tumultuous Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism,” in R. Rose-Redwood, J. Vuolteenaho, C. Young, and D. Light (eds.), Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism (pp. 1-15). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R., Sotoudehnia, M., and Tretter, E. (2021). “‘Turn Your Brand into a Destination’: Toponymic Commodification and the Branding of Place in Dubai and Winnipeg,” in R. Rose-Redwood, J. Vuolteenaho, C. Young, and D. Light (eds.), Naming Rights, Place Branding, and the Cultural Landscapes of Neoliberal Urbanism (pp. 100-123). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2019), “International Student Experiences in Higher Education,” in C. Rose-Redwood and R. Rose-Redwood (eds.), International Encounters: Higher Education and the International Student Experience (pp. 3-15). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Rose-Redwood, R. and Bigon, L. (2018), “Gridded Spaces, Gridded Worlds,” in R. Rose-Redwood and L. Bigon (eds.), Gridded Worlds: An Urban Anthology (pp. 1-19). Cham: Springer.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Genealogies of the Grid: Revisiting Stanislawski's Search for the Origin of the Grid-Pattern Town,” in R. Rose-Redwood and L. Bigon (eds.), Gridded Worlds: An Urban Anthology (pp. 37-54). Cham: Springer.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Mythologies of the Grid in the Empire City, 1811-2011,” in R. Rose-Redwood and L. Bigon (eds.), Gridded Worlds: An Urban Anthology (pp. 227-244). Cham: Springer.

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M. (2018), “The Urban Streetscape as Political Cosmos,” in R. Rose-Redwood, D. Alderman, and M. Azaryahu (eds.), The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place (pp. 1-24). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., and Azaryahu, M. (2018), “Contemporary Issues and Future Horizons of Critical Urban Toponymy,” in R. Rose-Redwood, D. Alderman, and M. Azaryahu (eds.), The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place (pp. 309-319). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “From Number to Name: Symbolic Capital, Places of Memory, and the Politics of Street Renaming in New York City,” in R. Rose-Redwood, D. Alderman, and M. Azaryahu (eds.), The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place (pp. 274-289). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R. and Glass, M. (2014), “Geographies of Performativity,” in M. Glass and R. Rose-Redwood (eds.), Performativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space (pp. 1-34). New York: Routledge.

Glass, M. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2014), “Finding New Spaces for Performativity and Politics,” in M. Glass and R. Rose-Redwood (eds.), Performativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space (pp. 253-263). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2014), “‘Sixth Avenue is Now a Memory’: Regimes of Spatial Inscription and the Performative Limits of the Official City-Text,” in M. Glass and R. Rose-Redwood (eds.), Performativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space (pp. 176-201). New York: Routledge.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2009), “Indexing the Great Ledger of the Community: Urban House Numbering, City Directories, and the Production of Spatial Legibility,” in L. Berg and J. Vuolteenaho (Eds.), Critical Toponymies: The Contested Politics of Place Naming (pp. 199-225). Farnham: Ashgate.

Book Reviews

Rose-Redwood, R. (2020), Review of Decolonizing the Map: Cartography From Colony to Nation (edited by James Akerman), Journal of Modern History 92(2): 400-401.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2017), Reviews of City on a Grid: How New York Became New York (by Gerard Koeppel) and Designing Gotham: West Point Engineers and the Rise of Modern New York (by Jon Logel), Historical Geography 45: 265-268.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2015), Review of The Folklore of the Freeway: Race and Revolt in the Modernist City (by Eric Avila), Urban Studies 52(14): 2741-2743.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2010), Review of The Once and Future New York: Historic Preservation and the Modern City (by Randall Mason), Journal of Historical Geography 36(3): 360- 362.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2009), Review of A Description of New Netherland (by Adriaen Van der Donck), Geographical Review, 99(3): 450-452.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2009), Review of Placing History: How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship (by Anne Knowles) and Historical GIS: Technologies, Methodologies and Scholarship (by Ian Gregory and Paul Ell), Journal of Historical Geography, 35(2): 394-297.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2008), Review of Improved Earth: Prairie Space as Modern Artifact, 1869-1944 (by Rod Bantjes), Historical Geography 36(1): 233-235.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2008), Review of The New Wealth of Cities: City Dynamics and the Fifth Wave (by John Montgomery), Growth and Change 39(3): 531-534.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2006), Review of Planning Theory (by Philip Allmendinger), Political Geography 25(7): 859-861.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2006), Review of To Love the Wind and the Rain: African Americans and Environmental History (by Dianne Glave and Mark Stoll, eds.), H-URBAN, May 26, 2006. 

Rose-Redwood, R. (2004), Review of Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape (by David Scobey), Antipode 36(4): 781-3.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2004), Review of Spaces of Neoliberalism: Urban Restructuring in North America and Western Europe (edited by Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore), Regional Studies 38 (6): 729-730.

Encyclopedia Entries

Rose-Redwood, R. and Kim, S. (2020), “Street Naming and Power,” International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 55-60.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2010), “New York City,” Encyclopedia of American Environmental History, New York: Facts on File, 982-985.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2007), “Grid Pattern,” Encyclopedia of American Urban History, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 317-319. [abstract]

Rampersad, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2007), “Statue of Liberty,” Encyclopedia of American Urban History, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 762-763. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Gibson, K. (2005), “Manhattan (New York County),” Encyclopedia of New York State, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 947-950.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2005), “Commissioners’ Plan of 1811,” Encyclopedia of New York State, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 375.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2004), “Goats,” Encyclopedia of World Environmental History, New York: Routledge, 595-597.


Rose-Redwood, R. (2021), “Warning of Cancel Culture is Hypocritical,” Times Colonist (February 18, 2021).

Rose-Redwood, R. (2019), “Transitions and New Horizons,” Dialogues in Human Geography 9(2): 127-128.

No To Racist Pseudoscience (2018), “Open Letter: No to Racist Pseudoscience at Cambridge,” Medium (December 18, 2018). [full text]

Stanger-Ross, J. and the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2018). “Introduction,” Journal of American Ethnic History 37(4): 5-9. [abstract]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Genocide Hoax Tests Ethics of Academic Publishing,” University Affairs (July 6, 2018) [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Genocide Hoax Tests Ethics of Academic Publishing,” History News Network (July 3, 2018) [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Genocide Hoax Tests Ethics of Academic Publishing,” National Post (July 3, 2018) [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Genocide Hoax Tests Ethics of Academic Publishing,” The Conversation (July 2, 2018) [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Street Names Are Not Innocuous,” Letter to the Editor, Times Colonist (June 20, 2018). [full text] 

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2018), “Fostering Successful Integration and Engagement Between Domestic and International Students on College and University Campuses,” Journal of International Students 8(3): 1267-1274. [full text]

Scholars of Empire (2017), “A Collective Statement on 'Ethics and Empire.'” [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. & 180+ signatories (2017), “Scholars and the Debate about Colonial Rule,” The Times (December 8, 2017). [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Alderman, D. (2017), “Confederate Memorials and the Unjust Geography of Memory,” CityLab (August 28, 2017). [full text]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2017), “Rethinking the Politics of the International Student Experience in the Age of Trump,” Journal of International Students 7(3): I-IX. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2016), An Open Letter to the Municipality of North Cowichan: The Case Against the Selling of Naming Rights to Public Places. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R., Alderman, D., Cravey, A., Kirsch, S., Babatunde, O.R., and Inwood, J. (2015), “#KickOutTheKKK: Challenging White Supremacy at UNC,” Newsletter of the Association of American Geographers 50(7): n.p. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2013), “‘Well-Established’ Names Should Take Precedence,” Letter to the Editor, Times Colonist (May 25, 2013). [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2012), “Against the Selling of Naming Rights to Public Places,” Newsletter of the Association of American Geographers 47(7): 13.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2012), “Taxpayer Savings Point Not Clearly Made,” Letter to the Editor, Victoria News (May 15, 2012).    [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2012), “Public Places Need Public Names,” Letter to the Editor, Times Colonist (April 1, 2012). [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2012), “City Councillors and Mayor of Victoria, BC: Don’t Sell the Naming Rights to Public Facilities,” (April 2012). [full text]

Other Non-Refereed Publications

Rose-Redwood, R. (2021), “Excavating the Futures of Geographical Thought and Praxis,” GeoUECE 10(18): 1-6.

AAG Geography and Military Implementation Committee. (2021), “AAG Statement on Professional Ethics,” rewritten and submitted to the AAG Council, March 2021. Approved by AAG Council, April 6, 2021.

Rose-Redwood, R. and Bennett, P. (2021), “Popular Climate Change Documentaries often Privilege Wealthier Countries and Offer Unbalanced Coverage,” The Conversation (October 25, 2021) [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2020), “Beyond the Colonial Cartographic Frame: The Imperative to Decolonize the Map,” UTP Journals Blog. Toronto: University of Toronto Press [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. and Patrick, W. (2020), “Why Activists are Vandalizing Statues to Colonialism,” The Conversation (March 17, 2020) [full text]

AAG Geography and Military Study Committee. (2019), Geography and Engagement with the Military: Issues, Status Findings. Washington, DC: American Association of Geographers. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, C. and Rose-Redwood, R. (2019), Internationalizing Geography: International Student Perceptions & Experiences in UVic's Geography Department. Victoria, BC: Department of Geography, University of Victoria. [full text]

Rose-Redwood, R. (2016), “Foreword,” in L. Bigon (ed.), Place Names in Africa: Colonial Urban Legacies, Entangled Histories. New York: Springer.

Rose-Redwood, R. and Tucker, B. (2011), “Inventing the Salish Sea,” Newsletter of the Association of American Geographers 46(3): 13-14.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Randel Farm Map: Grid and Marsh,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 70.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Randel Farm Map: Fort Washington,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 70.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Leveling a Street,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 77-78.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Profile of the Twelve Avenues,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 79.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “How Manhattan’s Topography Changed and Stayed the Same,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 80.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Farm House at 84th Street,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 84.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2011), “Numbering and Naming Manhattan's Streets,” in H. Ballon (ed.), The Greatest Grid: The Master Plan of Manhattan. New York: Columbia University Press, 95.

Alderman, D., Rose-Redwood, R., and Azaryahu, M. (2008), “Naming Places / Placing Names: An International Workshop,” American Name Society 53rd Annual Ehrensperger Report, 4-5.

Rose-Redwood, R. (2007), “Critical Cartography and the Performativity of 3D Mapping,” GIS Development 11(4): 40-43.


Media Coverage of Research

Commentary quoted in “Trump's Decision to Rename the Gulf of Mexico is Causing a Stir, and the International Implications Are More Political Than Legal, Experts Say,” Business Insider Nederland (February 3, 2025). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “Gulf of Mexico, or Gulf of America? Trump Makes a Call, But Who Follows?,” Business Insider (February 3, 2025). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “'Gulf of America' Shift Won't Be the First Time Google Maps Has Changed Names Depending on Your Location,” CBC News (January 28, 2025). [full text]

TV Participant in “Beacon Hill Park Plaque Temporaily Removed over Concerns of Inaccuracy and Outdated Language,” CHEK News (January 5, 2024). [full text and video]

Visual appearance in “Trutch to Truth: Victoria Officially Unveils Su'it Street,” Capital Daily (July 11, 2022) [full text]

Visual appearance in “City of Victoria Unveils New Su'it Street during Sunday's Renaming Ceremony,” Victoria Buzz (July 11, 2022) [full text]

Visual appearance in “Trutch Street in Victoria Renamed to Su'it Street,” Victoria News (July 11, 2022) [full text]

Commentary cited in “Victoria Considers New Lekwungen Name for Trutch Street: Su'it, Meaning Truth,” Times Colonist (February 15, 2022) [full text]

Commentary featured in “Vandalization of Queen Victoria Statue Likely Done to Highlight Canada's Colonial Past: UVic Professor,” CHEK News (June 14, 2021) [full text]

Commentary cited in “Victoria Council to Consider Switching Trutch Street to Truth Street,” The Free Press (June 7, 2021) [Same story also reprinted in the Abbotsford News and Surrey Now-Leader] [full text]

Commentary quoted in “A Two-Block Stretch on the Uncertain Road to Change,” Times Colonist (June 5, 2021). [full text]

Radio Participant in “Both Vancouver and Victoria Considering Changing Name of Trutch Street,” CFAX Radio (June 4, 2020). [full audio]

Commentary quoted in “Victoria's Trutch Street about to Undergo Name Change,” CHEK News (June 4, 2021). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “Online Support Builds for Renaming of Victoria's Trutch Street,” Victoria News (April 28, 2021). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “UVic Students Launch Petition to Rename Trutch Street,” Martlet (April 21, 2021). [full text]

Research cited in “Petition to Rename Trutch Street in Victoria Nearly Reaches Goal,” Victoria Buzz (March 18, 2021). [full text]

Research cited in “Petition Urges Victoria City Councillors to Rename Trutch Street,” CHEK News (March 15, 2021). [full text]

Research Consultant for the New York Times, consulted for expert advice on an article entitled, “Brooklyn's Big Street Address Mess: A Tale of Total Civic Dysfunction,” New York Times (January 27, 2021). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “The Right Way to Topple a Statue,” The Tyee (November 3, 2020). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “The Right Way to Topple a Statue,” Reasons to be Cheerful (October 29, 2020). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “To Save Its Monuments, Rome Seeks Corporate Sponsors,” CityLab (September 22, 2020). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “Vandalism of Cook Statue Raises Questions About Role of Monuments: Historians,” Times Colonist (August 27, 2020). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “Victoria Police Chief Calls for Partial Removal of BIPOC Mural,” CHEK News (August 27, 2020). [full text]

Research-related commentary quoted in “Hopkinsville's First Street Was Previously Named Last Street,” Hoptown Chronicle (July 23, 2020). [full text]

Research-related commentary quoted in “UVic Professor Leading International Geography Journal's Special COVID-19 Issue,” Martlet (July 3, 2020). [full text]

Radio Participant in “Racist Statues Are Coming Down,” Global News (June 23, 2020). [full audio]

Commentary quoted in “Statues of Limitation: Are the Mighty Falling?” The Canberra Times (June 21, 2020). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “B.C. Board Launches Public Effort to Rename School Named After 'Racist' Federal MP,” The Chronicle Journal (December 18, 2019). [full text]

Commentary quoted in “City Talks Series Turns 10,” The Martlet (October 22, 2019). [full text]

Research-related commentary quoted in “The 'Anguish' of Naming (and Renaming) Vancouver's Streets and Places,” The Tyee (May 30, 2019). [full text]

TV Participant in “Tackling the Controversial Legacy of Sir John A. Macdonald,” CHEK News (March 31, 2019). [full video]

TV Participant in “City of Victoria to Consult Public Regarding Future of Sir John A. Macdonald Statue,” CHEK News (February 27, 2019). [full text and video]

Commentary quoted in “Free Sunday Parking in Downtown Victoria Could End in May,” CBC News (February 22, 2019). [full text]

Research-related activism cited in “Should Monuments Stay or Go?” The Squamish Chief (December 15, 2018). [full text]

Research cited “Where the Streets Have No Names, The People Have No Vote,” New York Times (October 19, 2018). [full text]

TV Participant, “Some Say Debate Over John A. Macdonald Statue Too Brief, Others Say It Was Appropriate,” CHEK News (August 14, 2018). [full video]

Research-related activism quoted in “Remoción de la estatua de un personaje histórico por su implicación en un episodio sombrío de la historia canadiense,” Radio Canadá Internacional (August 13, 2018). [full text]

TV Participant, “Spotlight Sunday: The Removal of the Sir John A. Macdonald Statue,” CHEK News (August 12, 2018). [full video]

Research-related activism quoted in “Statue of John A. Macdonald Removed From Victoria City Hall in Act of Reconciliation,” Canada Live News (August 11, 2018). [full text]

Research-related activism quoted in “Removal of John A. Macdonald Statue at B.C. City Hall Met With Divided Crowd,” BC Local News (August 11, 2018). [Reprinted in Abbotsford News, Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal, Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News, 100 Mile Free Press, Peace Arch News, Chilliwack Progress, Langley Times, Vernon Morning Star, Surrey Now-Leader, Salmon Arm Observer, Castlegar News, Kelowna Capital News, Nelson Star, Mission City Record, Langley Advance, Aldergrove Star, North Island Gazette, Revelstoke Review, Penticton Western News, Terrace Standard, Hope Standard, Comox Valley Record, Nanaimo News Bulletin, Summerland Review, Campbell River Mirror, Quesnel Cariboo Observer, Interior News, Creston Valley Advance, Grand Forks Gazette, Cowichan Valley Citizen, Alberni Valley News, Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Williams Lake Tribune, Ladysmith Chronicle, Northern Review, Parksville Qualicum Beach News, Rossland News, Maple Ridge News, Vanderhoof Omineca Express, Clearwater Times, Cloverdale Reporter, Boundary Creek Times, Coast Mountain News, Columbia Valley Pioneer, Agassiz-Hariss Observer, Lake Country Calendar, Haida Gwaii Observer, Eagle Valley News, Similkameen Spotlight, Trail Times, The Free Press, Arrow Lakes News, Golden Star, Keremeos Review, Houston Today, Lake Cowichan Gazette, Northern Sentinel, North Delta Reporter, Chemainus Valley Courier, Burns Lake District News, and Barrier Star Journal]. [full text]

Research-related activism quoted in “Crowd Flocked to Victoria City Hall to See Macdonald Statue Removed,” BC Local News (August 11, 2018). [Reprinted in Victoria News, Saanich News, Sooke News Mirror, Peninsula News Review, Goldstream News Gazette, News Champs, and Atin Ito]. [full text]

Research-related activism quoted in “John A. Macdonald Statue Removal from Victoria City Hall,” CBC News (August 11, 2018). [Reprinted in Yahoo! News]. [full text]

Research cited in “Find the Authentic Survey Bolt from NYC’s Original 1811 Street Grid in Central Park,” (July 25, 2018). [full text]

Research cited in “Andere vrouwen nauwelijks,” Trouw (June 12, 2018).

Research Consultant for “Changing Names, Changing Perceptions: Victoria Faces Duality of Colonial History, Pushes for Reconciliation,” Unreserved, CBC Radio (May 20, 2018). [full text and audio]

TV Participant, “Spotlight Sunday: The Politics of Street Naming,” CHEK News (February 11, 2018). [full video]

Radio Participant on CFAX Radio, interview with host Adam Stirling on the renaming of Trutch Street in Victoria, BC (February 8, 2018). [full audio]

Urban-related commentary quoted in “Landford's Journey from 'Dogpatch' to Fastest Growing City,” Goldstream News Gazette (January 29, 2018). [full text]

TV Participant, CBC News, interview related to the renaming of Trutch Street in Victoria, BC (January 18, 2018). [full video, go to around 25 minute mark of video]

TV Participant, “Debate Over Renaming Victoria Streets,” Global News (January 17, 2018). [full video]

Radio Participant on CFAX Radio, interview with host Adam Stirling on the renaming of Trutch Street in Victoria, BC (January 17, 2018). [full audio]

TV Participant, “Controversial Street Name Up for Debate at Panel,” CTV News (January 16, 2018). [full video]

TV Participant, “UVic Professor, Student Among Those Calling for Trutch Street to be Renamed,” CHEK News (January 16, 2018). [full video and text]

Research-related activism cited in “Change Urged to Victoria Street Named for 'Racist' Figure,” CBC News (January 16, 2018). [full text]

Research-related activism cited in “Victoria Street Named for Racist Politician Up for Debate,” Times Colonist (January 16, 2018). [full text]

Radio Participant on “All Points West,” CBC, interview on the renaming of Trutch Street in Victoria, BC (January 16, 2018). [full audio]

Radio Participant on CFAX Radio, interview with host Al Ferraby on the renaming of Trutch Street in Victoria, BC (January 15, 2018). [full audio]

Research cited in “Manhattan's Confusing Avenue Addresses,” New York Times (September 15, 2017). [full text]

Radio Participant on CFAX Radio, interview with host Adam Stirling on the US presidential election (January 20, 2017).

Radio Participant on CFAX Radio, interview with host Adam Stirling on the US presidential election (October 20, 2016).

Radio Participant on CFAX Radio, interview with host Adam Stirling on the US presidential election (October 10, 2016).

Research-related activism cited in “Expert Advises Muni Against Sponsorship for Buildings,” Cowichan Valley Citizen (August 26, 2016). [full text]

Research-related activism cited in “Naming Rights Come Down to Dollars and Sense,” Times Colonist (July 31, 2016). [full text]

Research cited in “Racist Names to be Scrubbed from Washington Maps,” (March 30, 2016). [full text]

Research cited in “Where the Streets Have No Names (Only Numbers),”, The Atlantic (March 9, 2016). [full text]

Research cited in “Unearthing the City Grid That Would Have Been in Central Park,” The New Yorker (January 8, 2016). [full text]

Research cited in “Did You Just Say ‘The’ Puget Sound?” (December 6, 2015). [full text]

Research cited in “Save-On-Foods Signs on for 10 More Years of Arena Sponsorship,” Times Colonist (September 26, 2014) [full text]

Research cited in “The Measure of Manhattan” (2013), C-SPAN2, BookTV (March 4, 2013). [video]

Research cited in “19th Century Genius Plotted Manhattan’s City Grid” (2013), USA Today (February, 24, 2013). [full text]

Research cited in “How Manhattan Got Its Street Grid” (2013), Scientific American (February, 15, 2013). [full text]

Research cited in Holloway, M. (2013), The Measure of Manhattan, New York: W.W. Norton & Co. [preview]

Research cited in “Where the Streets Have No Name” (2013), The Atlantic (January 2, 2013). [full text]

Research and activism cited in “Municipal Naming Rights—The Contrarian Position” (2012), The Sponsorship Report 27(6): 3-4.

Research and activism cited in “Cities Look to Naming Rights to Fill Their Coffers but Success is Uncertain,” National Post (May 11, 2012). [full text]

Research and activism cited in “Welcome to the [Insert Corporate Name Here] Victoria Conference Centre,” Victoria News (May 6, 2012).

TV Participant, “The Opinion Panel,” Shaw TV, interviewed as an expert and activist on municipal naming rights policies (May 4, 2012).

Research and activism cited in “Council Edges Closer to Policy on Naming Rights,” Times Colonist (May 4, 2012). [full text]

Research and activism cited in “Sponsorships Draw Little Interest,” Winnipeg Free Press (May 2, 2012). [full text]

Radio Participant on “Straight Talk with Murray Langdon,” CFAX Radio, interviewed as an expert on municipal naming rights policies (May 1, 2012).

Research and activism cited in “Victoria Naming Rights ... Dignity But Not Much Cash,” Times Colonist (May 1, 2012).

Research cited in “Salish Sea Change,” Canadian Geographic Magazine (June 2011). [full text]

Radio Participant on the BBC World Service Newshour, interviewed as an expert on New York's 1811 grid plan on the occasion of its 200-year anniversary (March 22, 2011).

Research Consultant for “Along 5th Ave. in Manhattan, A Dispute Over Where East and West Begin,” New York Times (March 22, 2011). [full text]

Research cited in “200th Birthday for the Map that Made New York,” New York Times (March 21, 2011). [full text]

Research cited in “Unturned Cobblestones on the City’s Grid,” New York Times (March 21, 2011). [full text]

Research Consultant for “No Hero in 1811, Street Grid’s Father was Showered with Produce, Not Praise,” New York Times (March 20, 2011). [full text]

Research cited in “Streetscapes: 1 Park Avenue—History Lessons by the Numbers,” New York Times  (November 7, 2008). [full text]

Film Participant in Super-City: New York, History Channel documentary, interviewed as an expert on New York’s 1811 grid plan (2008).

Research cited in “Urban Tactics: City of Angles,” New York Times (July 2, 2006). [full text]

Research cited in “Are Manhattan’s Right Angles Wrong?” New York Times (October 23, 2005). [full text]

Film Participant in We Built This City--New York, Discovery Channel documentary, interviewed as an expert on New York's 1811 grid plan (2003).

Research cited in “Grad Student's Manhattan Model Showing Up on TV,” Daily Collegian (October 21, 2003). [full text]

Research cited in “Places: City-Building on Discovery,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (October 9, 2003).

Supervision of Graduate Students and Undergraduate Honours Students

Graduate Supervision

Mehdi Hosseini Dehaghani (PhD, in progress): critical theory, social movements, local governance, and urban futures.

Wil Sahar Patrick (PhD, in progress): monumentality, political infrastructures, and the politics of place.

Sharon Dias (PhD, in progress): urban neoliberalization and social housing in Brazil.

Christopher Fortney (PhD, in progress): governmentality, graffiti, and the politics of public space.

Lindsay Chase (PhD, in progress): becoming-planner, subject formation, and planning degree programs in Canada.

Maleea Acker (PhD, 2021): "Lyric Geography: Geopoetics, Practice, and Place" [full text]

Maral Sotoudehnia (PhD, 2021): "Rambunctious Geographies: Intimate Encounters, Algorhythmics, and Making the Blockchain Real" [full text]

Paige Bennett (MA, 2020): “Behind the Green Screen: Critiquing the Narratives of Climate Change Documentaries” [full text]

Audrey Tung (MA, 2020): "Let Them Eat Kale: Food Insecurity Discourses in Richmond, BC" [full text]

Tyler Blackman (MA, 2019): "Digital Worlds: Performativity and Immersion in VR Videogames" [full text]

Spencer Bradbury (MA, 2018): "Giving an Account of Entrepreneurial Subjects and Global Spaces: Social Media and Colombian Cosmetic Surgery" [full text]

Lisa Domae (PhD, 2017): "Planning the Campus with Place in Mind: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Lifeworlds of Community College Campuses in British Columbia" [full text]

Jolene Jackson (MA, 2014): “Embodying Landscape: Spatial Narratives of Becoming-Artist on the Islands of the Salish Sea” [full text]

Maral Sotoudehnia (MA, 2013): “‘Turn Your Brand into a Destination’: City Branding, Naming Rights, and the Neoliberalization of Dubai, UAE” [full text]

Julian Bakker (MA, 2013): “Aesthetics, New Urbanism, and the Diana Krall Plaza: A Case Study in Nanaimo, BC” [full text]

Brian Tucker (MA, 2013): “Inventing the Salish Sea: Exploring the Performative Act of Place Naming off the Pacific Coast of North America” [full text]

Undergraduate Honours Supervision

Kyle Dow (Honours, 2019): “Demovictions in Metrotown: The Implementation and Effects of Transit-Oriented Development in Burnaby, BC”

Anastasia Crowther (Honours, 2019): “Education, Inequality, and the Geographical Imagination: Perceptions of Secondary Schools in Vancouver, British Columbia”

Dimitri Giannoulis (Honours, 2018): “Space, Power, and Street Performers: The Effects of Regulation and Exclusionary Space in Victoria, BC”

Morgan Henderson (Honours, 2016): “The St. Andrew’s Development: A Crucible for Urban Land-Use Conflict in Victoria, BC”

Colin Crawford (Honours, 2015): “Performing Urban Futures: Screening Los Angeles”

Sean Grisdale (Honours, 2014): “Cultivating Exclusion: Homelessness and the Neoliberalization of Public Space in the 'City of Gardens’”

Caleb Horn (Honours, 2014): “Consolidation and Fragmentation: Regional Governance in Greater Victoria”

Jennifer Giesbrecht (Honours, 2013): “Uptown as a Transit-Oriented Development? A Mixed-Methods Approach to Evaluating Transportation Planning Practices and their Geographical Effects”

Sarah Brown (Honours, 2012): “Settlement Patterns of Chinese Residents in Victoria, British Columbia, 1961-2001”

Nick Collins (Honours, 2011): “Paved With Good Intentions: A Study of the Relationships Between Affluence Levels of Communities Near Major High-Speed Roadways and Externality Abatement Measures in Seattle and Vancouver”